I guess I must thank my sister and a blog I read by Mr. Money Mustache for getting this crazy idea stuck in my head. Here's what I am thinking, once I am fully recovered from this surgery, I am going to attempt to use my bike for the majority of my transportation and park the truck. Now I am a realist and knowing where I live and what I like to do, not having a vehicle at all won't work for me. I do like to travel and go places that are way out of range for a bike in a reasonable time frame.
Here is what I see happening at first. Use the bike to go to school(15 mile one way trip), going to the gym(1o mile one way trip) and anything else local that is to far to walk to. Who knows where this will take me but I think it is well worth the try. I did a rough estimate and on the amount of money I spend on gas every year and it is well over $3000 just for normal driving, not including trips anywhere. Now I just have to figure out which type of bike is the best for this job, it's not going to be the tri bike, I know that for sure.
As for the recovery, things are progressing quite nice. The incision is still open about a quarter inch or so and still leaking out fluid slowly. The abdomen is feeling stronger and not nearly as sore as last week. I am able to ride a bike for 45 mins, elliptical for 45 mins, no running or swimming yet. I can't lift much yet either, you can feel the pressure on the abdomen when ever you pick anything up. Spent an entire day on the go yesterday driving and walking around the Erie area, this was probably the best day I have had out in years. Feeling very optimistic that things are going to be greatly improved this week as well. I will post a few new pics if I can talk the Doc into taking the rest of the staples out tomorrow.