Well to get ready for my big surgery and life without an colostomy I am going to be trying a low residue low fiber diet. This will be my first day on it and I am hoping it will at least calm my guts down and slow them down a bit. I am a little nervous about the surgery and how things are going to function after everything gets hooked back up normally. So I am hoping this type of diet will help with that.
I don't have an official date for the surgery yet but am hoping I find out sometime this week. This is going to be very exciting time for me considering I have been carrying around this extra baggage for over 6 years now. If anybody else has gone through this please pass on any tips you may have. I'll keep y'all posted on how this low residue low fiber diet works, sounds pretty plain and boring but that'll be just fine for me if it works.
I am nervous about your surgery, or rather nervous about post surgery. Your colostomy surgery was a long haul, hopefully this will go much smoother. The low residue diet is helping you slow down, careful not to slow down too much. Love, Mom