Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Final Junk Meal

Well it is getting very close to the surgery date.  Tonight is the last time I will be able to eat for sometime, tomorrow begins the wonderful process of flushing out the guts and taking a ton of antibiotics.  For my last meal I went with pizza and wings.  Might as well go out with a bang lol.  I am starring to get a little anxious about the surgery but am still very excited.  I think my biggest concern is going to be what can I eat after the procedure and how my guts will handle it.  I will be fine with having to eat low residue low fiber as long as everything flows smoothly if you know what I mean.

As for the Ironman training, that is going to be put on hold for awhile.  I got in a wonderful final bike ride today and the weather was perfect.  Will get in one more easy run tomorrow then I'll be done until the Dr. clears me, unless I think I feel good enough:)  I hope I am able to come back quickly, things have finally started to click with all the training and I just had a 5K PR on Saturday, 22:23.  If anyone has any helpful hints on a quick recovery from abdominal surgery please off any advise.  Thinking of asking the Dr. if HGH would be helpful.

All I ask of is prayers for a successful surgery and quick recovery.  If I can I will post some gross pictures of the surgery if the Dr will give me some.  I will probably have multiple post coming soon during recovery as I will be very bored.  Keep up the training and get some rides in for me.

1 comment:

  1. The Kowalski's will be thinking about you, sending good thoughts, and praying, Casey!
